Distractions, Distractions, Distractions
This month has been a busy one, full of a myriad of events all vying for my attention.
This month has been a busy one, full of a myriad of events all vying for my attention.
It’s finally happening. Finally. After over a decade, our first novel, When the Rain Falls, is releasing soon (1st of December)! And we are so fricken excited.
Momentum. It’s a funny thing.
This past month has been tough for me, writing-wise.
It seems I am finally crossing a bridge into the land of productivity, and this is definitely something to celebrate.
Our WIP historical fiction novel has been slow going.
This week marks (roughly) one year of writing our blog! And… what a year it has been.
The end of editing Darkness, Set us Free is close. So close, I can taste the freedom around the corner.
What’s your favorite part of writing a novel? Maybe it’s the plotting and researching. Perhaps it’s getting stuck in and putting words on the page.
Writing a book is like trying to piece together two different sides of yourself: The optimist and the pessimist.