
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a restful holiday season, and found a way to welcome in the new decade in style. Can you believe it’s 2020 already? I sure can’t.
The arrival of a new decade allows all of us to reflect on the years that were, and how far we have come since then. Where was I a decade ago? In the early stages of my Bachelor’s degree at University, and Sarah and I had just finished our first (very amateur) attempt at When the Rain Falls.
Now, ten years later, I have a PhD (I still can’t believe I spent that much time at university), and Sarah and I have revamped, rewritten, and polished off When the Rain Falls. It’s the same story with the same characters, but barely recognizable from the first edition all those years ago. I don’t think there was a single chapter that wasn’t rewritten.
Not only that, we have written and edited the second installment The Price of Pandemonium, and have made some headway on the third book Darkness, Set us Free. And all of this in less than two years.
It can get draining working on these novels every day after a long day at work. But sometimes, looking back at an old draft from ten years ago can give all the encouragement required; we’re better writers than we were before.
That leads me to think, what will the next decade bring? We can’t help but hope our books are good enough to get published, someday. But whatever happens, writing is a passion for us.
Bring on 2020, and all it has to offer!
The past two weeks have been one long glorious holiday away from working in the lab. And it was exactly what I needed; a break from the rollercoaster that is lab work. But next week, I will be back at work and ready to update you all on my research progress (or lack there of).
In the meantime, here’s a picture of my dog looking cute and festive.

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