Spotlight on Writing/Personal Update

I have done very little editing over the past week. Truthfully, I have about thirty minutes (if I’m lucky) each morning which is solely devoted to writing related activities, and at the moment, editing the podcast is my goal. Last blog post, I mentioned we’re taking a trip to New Zealand in November. I am so excited for it. But, this does mean recording, editing and scheduling podcast episodes ahead of time so that we can take this much needed break. It’s going to be really great to finally finish up with those episodes so I can finally sink my teeth into editing! Thirty minutes a day is not much to work with, but hopefully this will eventually improve. I have to admit, I am finding things tough right now. I have to remind myself what one of our author spotlight interviewees reminded me: Just one sentence. If I can write one sentence, I have been productive. It is one tiny step towards my goal. And, as Julia grows into toddlerhood, my hope is that naps will become more predictable and that I will be able to carve out just a tiny bit of extra time.
Time. That rare and valuable commodity.
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